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Breathe Better Now

lun, 14 nov


How To Optimize Your Potential, One Breath

We will explore how to use basic breath training techniques to optimize your health, wellness, fitness, & personal & professional work. Our course will be taught by FTA online professor & Peak Flow co-founder Dr. Rob Williams, environmental historian & breathwork certified in the Buteyko Method.

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Breathe Better Now
Breathe Better Now

Time & Location

14 nov 2022, 19:00 – 20:30

How To Optimize Your Potential, One Breath

About the Event

Our four week course will explore how to use basic breath training techniques to optimize your health, wellness, fitness, and personal and professional work. Our course will be taught by FTA online professor and Peak Flow co-founder Dr. Rob Williams, environmental historian and breathwork certified in the Buteyko Method, Oxygen Advantage program, Wim Hof Method, and the Peak Flow “breathwork ecosystem,” a unique approach to training humans to breathe better now. 

Course fee includes  a variety of free training resources courtesy of Peak Flow, including a free 4 week FTA EXCLUSIVE membership to our weekly Community-Supported Breathwork (CSB) program - available live online, or via recording.

Join us, and learn how to breathe better now!


  • Breathe Better Now

    This is even will need you to have the ZOOM app

    50,00 US$
    Comisión de servicio: +1,25 US$
    Venta finalizada


0,00 US$

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