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INTRODUCING: The First Ever Law For Mankind Open Q & A Clinic with the Sovereign's Way!


Jon Little and Greg Paul, the creators of the Law For Mankind Knowledge Share are putting on their first ever open-to-all Q&A clinic – it's a one-off opportunity to get your biggest questions about law and sovereignty answered. You can register for the FREE event and find out more about the webinar by clicking the button below:

After you register, you'll be sent a link to vote on which questions you most want to hear answered. You can add your questions to the list if they're not already there.

What Do You Most People Want To Know Right Now?

  • How to keep 100% of the compensation for your labour... without lies?

  • How to protect your family and property against any attack… without fights?

  • How to be free of those of mankind who act as agents with government titles… without the need to hide?

  • How to overcome the psychological and emotional barriers you have to lead the life you know is right?

Jon and Greg will definitely be answering these… and whatever yours are, just add them to the list or vote for it and if it’s something people really want to know right now, they will answer it live!

It's FREE to register. Don't miss out!

Check out Greg Paul on our latest Freedom Talks below:



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