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White Raven Healing

Family Constellations:
Reveals hidden dynamics within your family and resolves them, offering profound healing and insight, shifting perspectives on your family, yourself, that what has been blocking you, making you feel free from limitations and more fulfilled.

Who benefits from this?
- if certain emotions block you from having a joyful life
- if you keep repeating the same patterns
- if you like to let go or heal relationships

Private as well as group sessions available, in person or online.

Sound Healing
A Sound Healing will bring you in a deep state of relaxation, enabling your body to heal itself. Beautiful sounds of different instruments will clear energetic blockages in your body, mind & soul, leaving you deeply nourished, relaxed and rejuvenated.

If you are feeling:
- stressed
- insomnia
- high blood pressure
- anxiety
- unbalanced

Private as well as group Sound Baths available, in person or online.


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