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Healing Energies Inc.

I offer massage therapy, cranial sacral therapy, acupressure and hot rock therapy as well as other healing products and services such as a Homesteading FB group where we offer group buys for our members including wholesale priced Non-GMO Heirloom Garden seeds to empower families to grow their own food and become self reliant. We also offer classes on permaculture gardening and medicial herbal remedies.
You can find our Homesteading group on FB here:

You can find our Telegram book here:

Garden seeds can be ordered here:


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 Freedom Travel Alliance non possiede né gestisce alcun aeromobile. Freedom Travel Alliance lavorerà con fornitori di servizi di viaggio e altri come consulente del suo programma di adesione e come consulente della sua adesione. Tutti i voli organizzati da Freedom Travel Alliance per i suoi membri sono effettuati da vettori aerei indipendenti di terze parti con licenza FAA e registrati DOT.

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