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Jeff Witzeman's Antidote to Fear

Immagine del redattore: AnnieAnnie

We are sure that, like us, FTA members came away from the August 3rd,2021 Members Live, super-inspired by Jeff Witzeman's* story, ethos and successes.

Jeff shared how he addressed overreach in Sprouts Market and Trader Joe's (U.S. grocery store chains) using the legal system to push back against their policies.

Building on these successes, this model has been replicated in other areas to address mandates in universities and schools all over the USA including Clemson, Mesa and South Alabama.

Jeff also shared that in the past his challenging of these imposed restrictions would have come from a place of anger and how he found himself embarking on his own personal journey. Now, every time he challenges the overreach, it is done from a place of love.

His message of love as the antidote to fear is something we are sure many will find helpful and an inspiring guidance. It's a timely reminder to stay in our hearts during these times where attempts are being made to divide and conquer. We can rise above the division.

Click on the links to access the documentation that Jeff used for Trader Joe's and for the No Masks Mandates.

The recording is available for our members to watch in the Members Area. If you are not an FTA member and would like to find out more go to our membership page.

In his most recent film - Belief & Stories he asked the questions: What are the emotional and/or spiritual issues that foster either healing or disease? What is the work needed to transform old traumas? Jeff Witzeman goes on a quest to find answers.

*Jeff serves on the board of Health Freedom For Humanity and is an award-winning filmmaker, speaker, writer and musician. He has been at the helm of 5 documentary films in the last 5 years. Most recently, he worked with Andy Wakefield on the seminal film, 1986: The Act, as the music supervisor, both writing and selecting music.



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